Vaughan Elementary Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Student safety is one of our primary concerns! In order to provide the safest environment for our children, Vaughan has an organized a drop-off and pick-up plan that we would like for every parent, guardian, carpool driver and daycare to follow.
Morning Drop-Off
Any K-6 grade student eating breakfast at school should be dropped off no later than 7:42 a.m. at the front of the building and go directly to the cafeteria.
Carpools or families with students in both primary (K-2) and intermediate (3-6) grades may drop off on either side of the building. Students then will either report straight to class or go to the cafeteria for breakfast.
Students are not allowed to go to their classrooms first if they are planning to eat breakfast in the cafeteria.
Students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:30 a.m.
Students arriving at 7:45 a.m. or later must enter through the front door as all doors will automatically lock at that time.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Parents of students in grades K-3 will be asked to choose a regular daily dismissal choice:
Car Rider- parent will remain in the car and drive through the carpool line
“Tree” Walker – parent will wait at the designated parent waiting area by the parking lot under the oak tree located on the north side (gym side) of the school and student will cross in the coned off area
Bike/Scooter/Skateboard Riders & Walkers - students will be released at 2:55 pm to make their way home
Daycare – students will wait in the cafeteria until their daycare arrives for pick up rain or shine!
Parents needing to make last minute dismissal changes for their students should notify the school office no later than 2:00 p.m. if at all possible. This will allow school personnel adequate time to get information relayed to classroom teachers and students. No changes will be made without parent authorization.
Car Rider Procedure:
Students in grades K-3, along with their older siblings or carpool students, should be picked up on the north (gym) side of the building. Adults will assist them in locating and boarding their vehicles. Please display your car tag to help us identify your student!
Students in grades 4-6, that do not have younger siblings or carpool riders, should be picked up at the front of the building.
To avoid congestion in the student waiting area, parents are asked to stay in their vehicles, travel through the pick-up line, and pull forward as space allows.
Tree Walker Procedure:
Parents will wait in the designated parent waiting area next to the parking lot. Look for the ‘Parent Waiting Area’ sign under the oak tree. Students will be released to parents when the teacher makes eye contact. Please have your car tag for easy identification.
Bike/Scooter/Skateboard Riders & Walker Procedure:
Students must walk bikes, scooters, and skateboards once they reach the school grounds.
Bikes, scooters, and skateboards must be locked on one of the bike racks during the school day.
Walkers must cross the street and parking lot areas at designated crosswalks only.
All students who walk, ride bikes, scooters or skateboards will dismiss from either the gym or the cafeteria depending on the route they take home. Adult supervision will be provided as they leave the school grounds.
Rainy Day Dismissal:
In the event of severe weather, a ‘rainy day’ dismissal will be followed, which allows students to exit the building only when the vehicle or parent has arrived.
Rainy Day Carpool Procedure:
Parents will follow the same routine for rainy day dismissal, making sure they have their car tags visible for K – 3rd grade students.
Students will be kept indoors and called outside when their ride has been identified.
Rainy Day Tree Walker Procedure:
Students will remain inside the building until a parent/caregiver arrives.
You will meet your student(s) at the north side door #16 unless you made an alternative choice for rainy days or notified the school.
Parent should have their car tags so that we can retrieve your kiddos more easily and efficiently.
Biker/Walker Procedure:
In the event of severe weather during dismissal, the administration may make the decision to not release students to walk or ride bikes home. These students will be required to call parents to make other arrangements. If weather is extreme, dismissal for all students may be delayed.
Please know that rainy day dismissal will move slowly due to the number of vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot. Your patience and support in following our procedures will be greatly appreciated!
Safety Reminders
Students should keep the door of the vehicle closed until it comes to a complete stop next to the curb and then exit and enter the car from the curbside only.
Vehicles are not allowed to stop for student drop-off or pick-up in the outside lane of traffic in the parking lot. Students should only exit and enter the vehicle next to the curb.
Students should not walk across the lot unattended. If a parent parks in the lot, he/she must walk the children across at the crosswalk.
Busses dropping off GATE and daycare students on the south side of the building will need the entrance and exit area open for drop-off and pick-up. Please do not block this area.
DO NOT pass to the left of waiting cars at the 4-way stop at Deerlake and Cottonwood! This is not a two lane road and poses a danger to oncoming traffic and students.
Thank you in advance for helping keep our students safe!