Disciplinary Dress Code

This dress code is required at the Dillard Center for disciplinary placements and is in conjunction with dress code requirements at your home campus.
Shirt-Plain white or red with a collar with NO MARKINGS/NO LOGOS
Button down or polo-style only (long or short sleeve)Belt
Lanyard with ID
Slacks-Khaki Color Only (Example: Dickies/Docker style). Slacks should fit appropriately and not sag. No "low riders", hip huggers, skinny, no joggers, and no sweatpants
No shorts may be worn
No frays, holes, or split seams on pants
Skirt-Khaki color only. Skirts must come to the knee.
Outer garments must be a solid color. Anything with hoods, writing, pictures, logos, pockets, zippers, or buttons are not allowed in the classroom and will be taken up at check-in.
Shoes or boots (regular closed-toe, flat, tennis shoes, loafers, cowboy boots, etc.) NO HEELS, SANDALS, SLIPPERS, CROC-STYLE or BEACH SHOES
Hair must meet the student’s campus handbook. No hair picks, combs, or brushes allowed.
No jewelry may be worn and will be confiscated at check-in (Exception: a watch may be worn; Smart-watches are NOT allowed)
Jewelry includes mouth jewelry, nose rings, belly rings, earrings, ankle bracelets, waist beads, etc.
First offense – Items will be returned to students at the end of their placement.
No over-size clothing or gang paraphernalia
Pants to fit appropriately and not sag
No shorts/tights worn underneath pants
NO CASH unless it is to be deposited into a student lunch account.
Backpacks, bags, and purses:
Backpacks are allowed only on the first and last days of your disciplinary placement in order to bring learning materials. Otherwise, no bags, backpacks or purses of any kind allowed. If brought any other time, without Principal permission, bags will be taken up and parents may be required to pick them up.
*The Dillard Center and its staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items.