Ford Theater Department

Welcome to the Ford Theatre Department!

Ford Theatre UIL One Act Competition

Cast and Crew

** There will be a crew meeting on Wednesday, December 11 and a Cast and Crew read through on Thursday, December 12.

Competition Cast and Crew

Tree: Jacob Williamson

Allina: Malila Kovacs

One: Bella Urbina

Two: Victoria Rendon

Three: Opemiposi Michael-Abioro

Four: Harper Anderson

Five: Jaxen Ward

Six: Zoe Egan

Seven: Keairia Williams

A: Marley Malloy

B: Aleah Abouzeid

C: Quinn Woslager

D: Kylie Harville 

E: Scott Hedland

F: Sophia Habitzreuter

G: Milliana Russ

Storm: Natalie Dunfee

Stage Running Crew: Maddie Carignan

Light Board Operator: Mohamed Ahmed

Sound Board Operator: Kaylee Mills

Costume Running Crew: Emily Brooks

Alternate: Nika Braverman

Alternate: Inayah Latif

Alternate: Amelia Shaikh

Alternate: Viktoriia Shekhe

(Alternates, please know how important your job is.  You are like understudies and support for the actors. There has never been a year that we did not use our Alternates!!!  Also, if you would like to also be on a crew, come to the meeting on Wednesday.)

Support Crew

Stage Manager: Kaylee  Mills

Stage Manager: Mohamed Ahmed

Costume Crew Head: Emily Brooks

Costumes Assistant Crew Head: Sofia Yusuf

Costume Crew: Karlyn Goodworth

Costume Crew: Sarah Schnur

Scenery Crew Head Maddie Carignan

Scenery Crew: Emma Baker

Scenery Crew: Nixon Pace 

Scenery Crew: Gwendolyn Garner

Props Crew Head: Nicole Fuentes-Graham

Props Assistant Crew: Head Tinsley Lott

Props Crew: Emma Jane McGowan

Sound Crew Head: Kaylee Mills

Lights Crew Head: Mohamed Ahmed

Want to get involved in the Theatre Department? Here is what is coming next!

Allen District Theatre Awards

May 5

Evening of One Acts - Featuring Theatre II and Theatre III classes

Performance May 9