Counselor's Corner
Parents & Students,
The goal of Allen ISD"s Anti-Bullying Initiative is to ensure the safety of every student. Below you will find bullying definitions, the Bullying Incident Report, and tips for parents. Should you have any concerns or questions, please contact your child's campus administrator.
Definition of Bullying:
Bullying occurs when a student or group of students directs written or verbal expressions or physical conduct against another student and the behavior results in harm to the student or the student’s property, places a student in fear of physical harm or damage to the student’s property, or is so severe, persistent that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment.
Further Considerations:
Bullying occurs when a student, while at school, intentionally assaults, batters, threatens, harasses, stalks, menaces, intimidates, extorts, humiliates, or taunts another student. Bullying also occurs when a student or a group of students organize a campaign of shunning against another student or when a student or group of students maliciously spread rumors about another student. In most circumstances, bullying does not include a mutual fight between students of roughly equal strength who are angry with each other. Such fights are subject to discipline as violating school rules prohibiting fighting. If severe enough, a one-time event can be categorized as bullying behavior.
Students - If you are experiencing any of the items listed above, please complete the following form and turn it into an adult at your campus. This may include your principal, counselor, or teacher. Forms are also available at your campus.
Who must report the bullying?
Anyone who witnessed the bullying
Anyone with credible information that an act of bullying is taking place
Parent Tips:
Check out the ways you can help educate your children about bullying.