
Clint Schaefer

Clint Schaefer

Band Director

Daniel Lane

Daniel Lane

Assistant Band Director


Welcome to the 2021-2022 Curtis MS Band!

All middle school band members and parents will be able to find our information located on Canvas.

Information on Canvas will include syllabus, upcoming assignments, calendar and correspondence. Please use Canvas as opposed to email to communicate with all directors. Thanks! 

 Benefits of Music...

Music is a Science. It is exact, specific, and it demands exact acoustics. A conductor's score is a chart,a graph with indicated frequencies, intensities, volume changes, melody, and harmony all at once and with the most exact control of time. 

Music is Mathematical. It is rhythmically based on the subdivisions of time into fractions which must be done instantaneously, not worked out on paper.

Music is a Foreign Language. Most of the terms are in Italian, German, or French; and the   notation is certainly no English, but a highly developed kind of short hand that used symbols. The semantics of music is the most complete and universal language.

Music is History.  Music usually reflects the environment and times of its creation - often even the country and/or political feeling.

Music is Physical Education. It requires fantastic coordination and control of muscles which respond instantly to the sound the ear hears and the mind interprets.

Music is Immortal.  It has been around since man first discovered he could organize the noise around him and create something which would transcend and uplift the human experience. Music shall live as long as there are ears and minds to listen and appreciate this art.

Music is Art.   It allows a human being to take all these dry, technical, techniques and use them to create emotion.

Private Lesson Link

Please follow the link to see all our current lesson teachers. Please note that these teachers are cleared by Allen ISD for private lessons. These teachers are self-employed and are not part of the Curtis staff so make sure you communicate dates to them directly if you child is out sick, has school testing that will nullify their lesson date, and pay them directly. Thank you!

Helpful Links

  • Canvas

    All 7th and 8th grade assignments, learning plans, Zoom links, etc. will be posted on your class Canvas.

  • Essential Elements Interactive

    Some 6th grade assignments will be completed through Essential Elements Interactive.

  • Google Classroom

    All 6th grade assignments, announcements, etc. will be posted on their Google Classroom.

  • SmartMusic

    Some 7th and 8th grade assignments will be completed through SmartMusic.