Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices
For safety purposes, the district permits students to possess personal mobile telephones, smart watches, and other electronic devices. Devices are prohibited during all testing unless authorized by a teacher. All electronic devices are prohibited on campus at the Dillard Special Achievement Center.
The use of mobile telephones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event.
If a student uses a telecommunications device that interrupts the school environment without authorization during the school day, the device may be confiscated. Confiscated telecommunications devices that are not retrieved by the student or the student’s parents will be disposed of after the notice as required by law. [See policy FNCE.]
In limited circumstances and in accordance with law, a student’s personal telecommunications device may be searched by authorized personnel. [See Searches and Policy FNF.]
Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.
Students may have cell phones on campus, but they must not be powered on between 7:30am-3:30pm.
Between the hours of 7:30am-3:30pm cellphones are to be kept in your backpack, not in your pocket. They must be turned off unless a student has teacher permission to have it out.
If a phone is activated during class without permission, the teacher will collect the phone and turn it in to the office.
At the second violation and beyond, a parent is required to come to school to pick up the phone.
The use of cell phones in locker rooms or restroom areas at any time while at school or at a school sponsored event is strictly prohibited.