Please take time to review the documents and information below regarding Personal Graduation Plans. We hope to make this process as easy and smooth as possible. Counselors will be with you each step of the way this fall. We can't wait to help you plan your future!
Class of 2029 (Current 8th graders)
Important Dates & Events for Personal Graduation Plan and 9th Grade Course Selection:
September 18th: PGP Parent Meeting
October 18th, 21st, and 25th: Virtual PGP Check-in Parent Meeting
October 28th: Eagle Expo Night (see flyer below)
November 11th-13th: PGP Parent Meetings
November 13th: Lowery Parent Night
November 22nd: Personal Graduation Plans lock in Skyward
December 6th-13th: Students review 9th grade selections in Skyward, add alternates, and fill out applications for tryout classes
December 13th: 9th Grade Course Selection and Applications due by 4pm
May 2nd-5th: Preview Window