Elementary School Gifted and Talented (AIM)
AIM Services (Campus-based)
AIM services provide a homogeneous grouping of elementary (K-6) students identified for gifted/talented services. AIM curriculum is designed to maximize students’ academic potential through in-depth and complex explorations of interdisciplinary studies not included in the general education classroom. Learning extends and enriches learning across all content areas. In AIM, students are challenged to develop and grow their skills through a variety of integrated, multidisciplinary learning activities and projects.
AIM services take place in a pull-out setting (i.e., the student leaves his/her general education classroom to go to the AIM classroom) where students are grouped with a gifted and talented specialist teacher. Kindergarten AIM services begin in March.
Secondary Gifted and Talented (GEMS and Phoenix)
GEMS (Gifted Education Middle School) is Allen ISD's middle school program designed to meet the unique social, emotional, and intellectual needs of gifted/talented learners.
Through the collaboration of students, educators, parents, and community members, GEMS ensures opportunities for maximum growth and development for life-long success. GEMS provides courses in leadership, reading/language arts, social studies, and science.
Phoenix services G/T students in 9-12th grade at the Lowery Freshman Center and Allen High School. The Phoenix program is based on Advanced Placement (AP) English standards. Phoenix courses are as follows:
9th and 10th graders take advanced Phoenix English
11th and 12th graders take Phoenix Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) English.
The Phoenix program is a four-year course of study designed to challenge gifted/talented students as they engage in an integrated study of literature, history, and fine arts.
GEMS Programs, Grades 7 & 8
Phoenix Gifted And Talented Services, Grades 9-12
Resources for Families
Baylor TIP: Baylor University features a Talent Identification Program for advanced learners that offers above grade-level testing opportunities, Super Saturday activities at the university, summer programs, and more. Access the information webinar recording from October 1, 2024 here, and see presentation slides here.
National Association for Gifted Children Resources for Parents