Special Education
The focus of the Special Education Department is to ensure each student has the support services needed to be successful. Allen ISD believes that collaboration between students, parents/guardians, and staff leads to positive outcomes for students. We are committed to providing high standards of education for all students. Our district's goal is to support all students as they reach their academic and personal potential.
Allen ISD believes in educating students in the least restrictive environment and embracing and adhering to an inclusive mindset. A full continuum of instructional and related services is available to eligible students. Services are individually determined for each student based on instructional environments that will ensure educational benefits.
Important TEA Resources:
Procedural Safeguards (English and Spanish)
Additional languages can be found at Procedural Safeguards- SPEDTex
A Guide to the ARD Process (English and Spanish)
Additional languages can be found at Parent’s Guide to the ARD Process- SPEDTex
Transition Services
Transition Services is a coordinated set of activities for a student-designed, within an outcome-oriented, process, which promotes movement from school to post-secondary activities, including post-secondary education, vocational training, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community preparation.
The coordinated set of activities must (1) be based upon the individual student’s needs; (2) take into account student preferences and interests; and (3) include instruction, community experiences, the development of employment, and other post-school adult living objectives, and if appropriate, the acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.
Individual transition planning shall begin on or before the student’s 14th birthday for each student receiving special education services. On or before the student’s 14th birthday, parents/guardians of students in special education are provided with information about transition planning. Transition information is provided to the parents at the first Annual ARD transition is discussed. Each year thereafter, the transition information is offered to the parent.
When addressing transition service needs, the IEP must include activities in the areas of:
Related services
Community experiences
Other post-secondary adult living objectives, and
If appropriate, the acquisition of daily living skills and a functional vocational evaluation
Once transition planning/services begin, the student is a required member of the meeting. Every effort should be made to ensure that the student is present. The purpose of this requirement is to focus attention on how the student’s educational program will be planned to help the student make a successful transition to his/her goals for life after high school. If the student does not attend the meeting, the special education teacher should:
Take steps to ensure that information reflecting the interests and preferences of the student is obtained and considered by the ARD Committee.
Provide clear documentation to the ARD committee of the attempts to have the student present at the meeting.
Provide to the ARD committee the reasons the student is not present
The transition information is revised yearly at the Annual ARD meeting, taking into account the progress the student is making on goals and objectives contained in the IEP.
If the student is leaving the school setting, the transition plan must include, if appropriate, information about the adult service agencies that the student will be linked with and/or an explanation of the agency’s responsibilities towards providing services for the student.
For more information, please contact Special Services Coordinator, Jana Gibson at 972-727-0511 ext. 400545.
The Texas Transition & Employment Guide
Texas Transition and Employment Guide in additional languages found here: Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese