Social & Emotional Learning

Welcome to Allen ISD Social & Emotional Learning

Social and Emotional Learning is a process for helping children and adults develop fundamental skills for life effectiveness. SEL teaches the skills we all need to handle ourselves, our relationships, and our work effectively and ethically. These skills include recognizing and managing our emotions, developing caring and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations constructively and ethically.

District SEL Vision

In Allen ISD, we have a vision for SEL and how to grow to understand and manage emotions, care for self and others, develop empathy, build resiliency, and solve problems effectively and ethically. Social-emotional learning will empower students to become responsible, productive, and contributing members of the global community.


4 Pillars of Integration

Parent Resources

A Parent’s Guide to Social and Emotional Learning

A Parent's Resource Guide to Social and Emotional Learning
A curated list of articles and videos for parents about fostering skills like kindness, empathy, resilience, perseverance, and focus in children.

Confident Parents Confident Kids
A site for parents actively supporting kids' social and emotional development